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Showing posts from July, 2023

The Lutheran Circuit Riders in the 2023 RW24

The Riverwest 24, for those unfamiliar, is an annual twenty four hour bicycle race through the Riverwest neighborhood of Milwaukee, and a weekend in which one gets to experience Riverwest at its strangest and perhaps funnest. Except for the COVID blip, the RW24 has happened every summer since 2008, which was also the summer I moved back to Milwaukee, and into Riverwest. Ruth and I enjoyed the race as spectators for a few years, and have helped some as volunteers. Then, a few years ago I decided to form a team and get into the race. It has been said, mostly by me, that our team, The Lutheran Circuit Riders, is the most Confessional Lutheran bicycle race team in all of the Riverwest 24, maybe the world.      This year we had a four man team, with Jonathan Paul, Joe Bratz, and Logan Scheuer, able to participate. I must say, it's an incredible experience to camp in the middle of the city with a handful of Lutheran friends of the same sex as you strive toward a common goal, like getting